Articles & Presentations

Bartlett, C. 2009, Mother Earth, Grandfather Sun. Green Teacher, 86: 29-32.
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Bartlett, C. 2009, Overview of Parasites as Agents of Disease in Animals. Eel Parasite Workshop ("Let's be early birds and stop the worm"). Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, 18 February 2009.
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Bartlett, C. 2009, Introduction to Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing. Pedagogical Practices: re-thinking the worlds of teaching - a conference on teacher education. Simon Fraser University, Surrey, BC, 11-12 February 2009.
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Bartlett, C. 2009, Growing Together: Knowledge Gardening for Integrative Science. Pedagogical Practices: Re-thinking the worlds of teaching - a conference on teacher education. Simon Fraser University, Surrey, BC, 11-12 February 2009.
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Bartlett, C. 2009, We can have a "Two-Eyed Seeing" conversation, yes? Simon Fraser University, Surrey, BC, 10 February 2009.
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Bartlett, C. 2009, Integrative Science at Cape Breton University. Canadian Coast Guard College, Sydney, NS. 14 January 2009.
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2009, Integrative Science & Two-Eyed Seeing: "Ethics" in the spirit of cultural humility. Workshop on "Ethics, Cultural Competence and Collaboration: moving forward" organized by the Ethics Discussion Group - Mental Health Services of the Cape Breton District Health Authority. Sydney, NS, 29 October 2009.
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2009, Integrative Science & Two-Eyed Seeing: in the spirit of growing knowledge. 9th Annual National Gathering of Graduate Students in Aboriginal Health Research, organized by Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program NEAHR (Network Environments of Aboriginal Health Research). Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS 25-28 June 2009.
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2009, Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing. Consultation Workshop re Land-based Education for Inuit Youth and College Students, organized by Environmental Education Specialist (Sharina Dodsworth) of the Department of Environment, Government of Nunavut. Iqaluit, NU, 7-8 April 2009
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2009, Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing. Life Long Learning - from Youth to Elder; conference on Aboriginal Education, organized by the Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program (AAEDIRP) of the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs Secretariat. Fredericton, NB, 23-25 March 2009.
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2009, Integrative Science, Two-Eyed Seeing, and forestry - Lessons Learned, Part 2. Indigenous Science Funding Stream Workshop #2. Co-hosted by BC Government Forest Investment Account - Forest Science Program and First Nations Forestry Council. Richmond, BC, 6-9 January 2009.
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Broadhead, L., and Howard, S. 2009, Deepening the debate over “sustainable science”: Indigenous perspectives as a guide on the journey. Sustainable Development, n/a. doi: 10.1002/sd.421.

Eskow, C., Williams, K., Abdulla, I., AL-Kaldi, S., Bilal, S., Ghani, A., Tariq, M., and Zahid, A. 2009, From Acacia to Ziziphus: Arabian plants to nourish the body and earth. Society of Ethnobiology 32nd Annual Conference on Food: Crops and Non-Crops. Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, 1-4 April 2009.

Harris, P. 2009, Storytelling - the Night Sky from around the World. Ingonish Star Gazing Party organized by Parks Canada (Cape Breton Highlands National Park). Ingonish, NS, 15 August 2009.

Harris, P. 2009, Stories from the Stars. 13th Annual Cape Breton University Storytelling Symposium. Sydney, NS, 5 June 2009.

Harris, P. 2009, The Science of Astronomy - Patterns of the Night Sky (Integrative Science Outreach Program). ACAP (Atlantic Coastal Action Program), Sydney, NS, 21 May 2009.

Harris, P. 2009, The Science of Astronomy - Patterns of the Night Sky. Louisburg Elementary School, Louisburg, NS, 17 April 2009.

Harris, P. 2009, The Science of Astronomy - Patterns of the Night Sky. Etoile de L’Acadie (school), Sydney, NS, 22 January 2009.

Hatcher, A. 2009, Passionate ideas: lifelong learning and science in context. New Dawn Enterprises public presentation evening. Sydney, NS, December 2009.

Hatcher, A., Kavanagh, S., Bartlett, C., and Marshall, M. 2009, Traditional medicines: how much is enough? Green Teacher, 86: 11-13.
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Hatcher, A., and Bartlett, C. 2009, MSIT: transdisciplinary, cross-cultural science. Green Teacher, 86: 7-9.
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Hatcher, A., Bartlett, C.M., Marshall, A., and Marshall, M. 2009, Two-Eyed Seeing in the classroom environment: concepts, approach and challenges. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 9(3): 141-153.
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Hatcher, A., Bartlett, C., Marshall, M., and Marshall, A. 2009, Two-Eyed Seeing: a cross-cultural science journey. Green Teacher, 86: 3-6.
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Hatcher, A., Kavanagh, S., Bartlett, C., and Marshall, M. 2009, Traditional legends: meanings on many levels. Green Teacher, 86: 14-17.
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Hesser, J.E., Bartlett, C., Breland, K., Hay, K., Lane, D., Lacasse, R., Lemay, D., Langill, P., Percy, J., Welch, D.L., and Woodsworth, A. 2009, Midway Through IYA2009 In Canada: Experiences, Past, Present And Future. 214th Semi-annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Pasadena, CA, 7-11 June 2009.
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Hesser, J.E., Bartlett, C., Breland, K., Hay, K., Lane, D., Lacasse, R., Lemay, D., Langill, P., Percy, J., Welch, D.L., and Woodsworth, A. 2009, The June 2009 Perspective on Canadian IYA2009 Activities. 214th Semi-annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Pasadena, CA, 7-11 June 2009. (poster)
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Hesser, J., Bartlett, C., Breland, K., Hay, K., Lane, D., Lacasse, R., Lemay, D., Langill, P., Percy, J., Welch, D., and Woodsworth, A. 2009, On the eve of IYA in Canada. 213th Semi-annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Long Beach, CA, 4-8 January 2009. (poster)
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Iwama, M., Marshall, M., Marshall, A., and Bartlett, C. 2009, Two-Eyed Seeing and the Language of Healing in Community-Based Research. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 32: 3-23.
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Kavanagh, S. 2009, The use of visuals in Aboriginal community-based research. Research Workshop for CIHR-funded project "Talking with their Feet" of CRC Barbara Patterson. University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, 22 January 2009.
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Marshall, A. 2009, Two-Eyed Seeing. Second International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions. Honolulu, Hawaii, 5-27 February 2009.
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Marshall, A., and Bartlett, C. 2009, Co-Learning re "Talking and Walking Together" of Indigenous and Mainstream Sciences. Regular monthly meeting of the Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI) for the Bras d'Or Lakes ecosystem. Membertou First Nation, NS, 19 February 2009.
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Marshall, A., Harris, P., Bartlett, C., and Marshall, M. 2009, Spirits of Health: co-learning stories of interconnectiveness. Cultural Knowledge and the Healthy Society: a research and innovation summit, organized by the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD). OCAD, Toronto, ON, 23-25 November 2009.
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Marshall, A., Hatcher, A., and Bartlett, C. 2009, Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing. Teachers' Workshop of the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board. Sydney, NS, 30 November 2009.
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Marshall, L., and Marshall, M. 2009, Muin and the Seven Bird Hunters; a Mi’kmaq Night Sky Story. Canadian “Kick-off Event” for International Year of Astronomy 2009. Canada Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, ON, 8 January 2009.

Van Wilgenburg, H. A., M. N. Comeau, P. Collins, and S. H. Stewart. 2009, Listening to First Nations and Inuit youth in Canada: a qualitative investigation for the development of adolescent alcohol abuse early interventions. 15th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, BC, 7 October 2009.

Williams, K., Eskow, C., Abdulla, I., Bakhsh, M., Zahid, A., Bilal, S., and Al-Kaldi, S. 2009, From Acacia to Ziziphus: Arabian plants to nourish the body and earth. Qatar Foundation and College of the North Atlantic-Qatar, Doha, Qatar. 71 pp.

Williams, K.J., Zahran, A., Madzia, S., Al Hajri, S., Al Kuwari, F., Al Kaldi, S., Ghani, A., and Abdulla, I. 2009, Traditional Ecological Knowledge of desert truffles in Qatar: family harvesting dynamics and sustainable management. Society of Ethnobiology 32nd Annual Conference on Food: Crops and Non-Crops. Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, 1-4 April 2009.