Articles & Presentations

Bartlett, C. 2012, The gift of multiple perspectives in scholarship / Integrative science. "In my opinion" in University Affairs, Vol 53(3): 41. On-line at:
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Bartlett, C. 2012, Elder Murdena Marshall - Honoured. Mi'kmaq-Maliseet Nations News, February, pages 5-6 (author's draft).
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Bartlett, C., Marshall, M., and Marshall, A. 2012, Two-Eyed Seeing and other Lessons Learned within a co-learning journey of bringing together indigenous and mainstream knowledges and ways of knowing (authors' final draft). Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 2(4): 331-340. DOI: 10.1007/s13412-012-0086-8
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Bartlett, C., Marshall, M., and Marshall, A. 2012, Co-Learning and Two-Eyed Seeing for Aboriginal Health Research. Presentation within research team meeting "Our Ancestors Are In Our Water, Land, and Air: a Two-Eyed Seeing Approach to Researching Environmental Health Concerns with Pictou Landing First Nation" (CIHR-funded research project of Dr. Heather Castleden); Tatamagouche, NS. 28-29 April 2012.

Bartlett, C., Marshall, M., and Marshall, A. 2012, Moving forward with Elders' Recommendations from APCFNC Elders Research Project "Honouring Traditional Knowledge" - considerations from Two-Eyed Seeing and Co-Learning for "Honouring Traditional Knowledge in Academia". Presentation for AAEDIRP’s (Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program's) university partners and others; organized by AAEDIRP and APCFNC (Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs) Secretariat, 30 March 2012, Cole Harbour, NS.
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AS ABOVE, BLACK and WHITE pdf - 2 slides / page
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Bartlett, C., Marshall, M., Marshall, A., and Iwama, M. 2012, Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing: Enriching the Discussion Framework for Healthy Communities (authors' final revised draft); Chapter 10 for book "Ecosystems, Society and Health: Pathways through Diversity, Convergence and Integration" [previously listed as Chapter 3 for book "Beyond Intractability: convergence and opportunity at the interface of environmental, health and social issues" - see UPDATE information in next entry] edited by Lars K. Hallstrom, Nicholas Guehlstorf, and Margot Parkes (forthcoming). UBC Press.
NOTE: The book was published in 2015; a PDF of the authors' page proofs can be viewed on this website in "News" as the entry entitled "2015 Book Chapter".
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Bartlett, C., Marshall, M., Marshall, A., and Iwama, M. 2012, UPDATE (Dec 2012) regarding PUBLICATION and CITATION FOR manuscript: "Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing: enriching the discussion framework for healthy communities" (see above)
FINAL UPDATE: The book containing this chapter was published in 2015; a PDF of the authors' page proofs can be viewed on this website in "News" as the entry entitled "2015 Book Chapter".
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Hatcher, A. 2012, Building cultural bridges with Aboriginal learners and their 'classmates' for transformative environmental education (author's final draft). Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 2(4): 346-356; DOI 10.1007/s13412-012-0088-6
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Marshall, A. 2012, Etuaptmumk / Two-Eyed Seeing. Special presentation within permaculture course at Blockhouse, NS; sponsored by The Blockhouse School - a project of the South Shore Social Ventures Co-op. 21 May 2012.

Marshall, A. 2012, Two-Eyed Seeing / Etuaptmumk: Mi'kmaw Traditional Knowledge for Today. Lands Management and Economic Development Conference; Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands Association. Moncton, NB; 7 March 2012 (postponed from 8 February 2012).
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Marshall, M., Marshall, A., and Bartlett, C. Book chapter in Determinants of Indigenous Peoples Health in Canada; beyond the social, Two-Eyed Seeing in Medicine (authors' draft). Reflection 5 for book "Determinants of Indigenous Peoples' Health in Canada"; edited by M. Greenwood, C. Reading, and S. de Leeuw. Canadian Scholars Press (forthcoming Fall 2013). UPDATE: This book was published in 2015; the full citation for the chapter is: Marshall, M., Marshall, A., and Bartlett, C. 2015. Two-Eyed Seeing in Medicine. Chapter 2 (pp 16-24) in "Determinants of Indigenous Peoples’ Health in Canada; beyond the social", edited by Margo Greenwood, Sarah de Leeuw, Nicole Marie Lindsay, and Charlotte Reading. Canadian Scholars Press, Toronto.
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Marshall, M., and Marshall, A. 2012, Two-Eyed Seeing / Etuaptmumk: Mi'kmaw Traditional Knowledge. Presentation materials for meeting discussions in Chapleau Cree First Nation, ON. 13-17 February 2012.
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