Articles & Presentations

Bartlett, C.M. 2007, Science: our environments, our stories; Exploring 'know, do, value' aspects and role of environment for conceptual space shifting (5 November, morning); Audience: U of T Aboriginal Studies Program, course ABS250F Indigenous Environment; Professor: Erica Neegan. Distinguished Lecturer, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 5-9 November 2007.
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Bartlett, C. 2007, Two-Eyed Seeing video and discussion (5 November, afternoon); audience: U of T Aboriginal Studies Program, ABS201Y Introduction to Aboriginal Studies; professor: Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux. Distinguished Lecturer, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 5-9 November 2007. [video available in multimedia section]

Bartlett, C.M. 2007, Science: dynamic, pattern-based knowledge integrative framework, with emphasis on 'role of the knower' (5 November, afternoon); Audience: U of T Aboriginal Studies Program, ABS350Y Aboriginal Health Systems; Professor: Amanda Ritchie. Distinguished Lecturer, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 5-9 November 2007.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2007, Integrative Science at Cape Breton University: Academic program and supporting research (6 November, afternoon); Audience: U of T committee exploring issues related to science requirement within Aboriginal Studies Program. Distinguished Lecturer, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 5-9 November 2007.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2007, Co-Learning: Indigenous and Western sciences talking and walking together ... a journey with some methodology insights (7 November, morning); Audience: U of T Aboriginal Studies Program, ABS460Y Aboriginal Methodology; Professor: Deb McGregor. Distinguished Lecturer, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 5-9 November 2007.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2007, Science: dynamic, pattern-based, knowledge stories - pondering the nature of our sciences of nature (7 November, afternoon); audience: OISE - U of T, faculty (and open), Research Seminar. Distinguished Lecturer, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 5-9 November 2007.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2007, Integrative Science: bringing together Indigenous and Western scientific knowledges and ways of knowing (8 November, afternoon); Audience: U of Toronto Mississauga (UTM), undergraduates in Early Teacher Program (joint UTM-OISE initiative) plus open invitation; professor: John Percy, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Dept of Chemical and Physical Sciences, UTM. Distinguished Lecturer, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 5-9 November 2007.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2007, We all need "Old Women" in our lives. Canadian Federation of University Women - Cape Breton Branch. Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, 22 November 2007.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2007, Integrative Science: science education and knowledge inclusivity – Integrative Science Open House. Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, 13 March 2007.

Bartlett, C.M. 2007, "Two-Eyed Seeing" science education for children and youth. NSERC-funded Science Stakeholders "Two-Eyed Seeing" Workshop. Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, 24 May 2007.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2007, Food for thought. Evidence and the Social Determinants of Health: Assessing the Possibilities, a Think Tank hosted by the National Collaborating Centre on the Determinants of Health. Halifax, NS, March 7, 2007.

Bartlett, C.M. (and others). 2007, Integrative Science: its people, visions and achievement on a co-learning journey towards "Living Knowledge for the 21st Century". Shunpiking; Nova Scotia’s Discovery Magazine, Fall 2007, Vol 13, No. 1 (issue #49); pp 18-19, in conjunction with:
(a) Hatcher, A., MSIT courses in Integrative Science: "living knowledge and transdisciplinary science";
(b) Beresford, R., Knowledge that is current, useful, relevant, modern; (c) Kavanagh, S., Patterns in science: understanding nature’s "big picture"; and (d) Howard, S., Subtle spirit: the enduring principles of Native American science.
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Bartlett, C., Kavanagh S., Lefort, N., Marshall, A. and Marshall M. 2007, Strengths in Our Differences. 5th Annual Cape Breton Health Research Symposium: Human Health and the Environment. Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, 26 April 2007. [POSTER]
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Bartlett, C.M., Marshall, A., and Marshall, M. 2007, Integrative Science: enabling concepts within a journey guided by "Trees Holding Hands" and "Two-Eyed Seeing". Two-Eyed Seeing Knowledge Sharing Series, Manuscript No. 1, Institute for Integrative Science & Health, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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Bartlett, C., Marshall, L., and Woodsworth, A. 2007, Canadian Aboriginal Participation - International Year of Astronomy 2009. Canadian Aboriginal Science & Technology Society Conference. Calgary, AB, 3-5 October 2007.

Bernstein, A., Zvolensky, M.J., Stewart, S., and Comeau, N. 2007, Taxometric and factor analytic models of anxiety sensitivity among youth: exploring the latent structure of anxiety psychopathology vulnerability. Behavior Therapy, 38: 269-283.

Hatcher, A. 2007, MSIT: Cross-cultural, transdisciplinary science. Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey professional development day. Eskasoni First Nation, NS, October 2007.

Hesser, J., Bartlett, C., and the IYA Canada Committee. 2007, Canadian planning for the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007: Proceedings from the IAU/National Observatory of Athens/ESA/ESO Conference, Athens, Greece, 8-11 October 2007, Edited by: Christensen L. L., Zoulias M. and Robson, I. Published by: Eugenides Foundation, 126-130. (article, with presentation attached)
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Howard, S. 2007, Very different butterflies: the scope for deep complementarity between Western and Native American science. In: The Pari Dialogues. Vol. 1. Essays in Science, Religion, Society and the Arts. Edited by: F. David Peat. Pari Publishing, Grosseto, Italy.

Iwama, M., Marshall, M., Marshall, A., Mendez, I., and Bartlett, C. 2007, I Got It From An Elder; conversations in healing language. No. 20, Devil's Whim Occasional Chapbook Series, Gaspereau Press, Kentville, NS. (second printing February 2009).

Kavanagh, S., Bartlett, C., Lefort N., Marshall, A. and Marshall M. 2007, Picturing Human Health and the Environment. 5th Annual Cape Breton Health Research Symposium: Human Health and the Environment. Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, 26 April 2007. [POSTER]
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Marshall, A. 2007, Two-Eyed Seeing from the perspective of a Mi'kmaq Elder. Two-Eyed Seeing Science Education for Children and Youth Workshop. Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, 24 May 2007.

Marshall, A. 2007, Two-Eyed Seeing and some companion thoughts. ManOMin Watershed Conference; "Seeing with both eyes: Balancing Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge and Contemporary Science”. International Falls, MN, 10-12 April 2007. [Invited Keynote; attendance precluded by family circumstances]

Marshall, A. 2007, Two-Eyed Seeing and Mi'kmaq Knowledge. Indigenous Knowledge, a Dialogue Circle on Ways of Knowing - Exploring Evidence in Aboriginal Health - hosted by the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health. First Nations' Long House, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, 8 February 2007. [file = dialogue final report]
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Marshall, A., Marshall, M., and Iwama, M. 2007, Approaching Mi'kmaq Teachings on the Connectiveness of Humans and Nature. Sixth International Conference of Science and the Management of Protected Areas, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Science and Management of Protected Areas Association, Wolfville, NS, 21-26 May 2007.

Mushquash, C.J., Comeau, M.N., and Stewart, S.H. 2007, An alcohol abuse early intervention approach with Mi'kmaq adolescents. First Peoples Child & Family Review, 3(1): 17-26.
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Zahradnik, M., Stevens, D., Stewart, S., Comeau, M.N., Wekerlee, C., and Mushquash, C. 2007, Building a collaborative understanding of pathways to adolescent alcohol misuse in a Mi'kmaq community: a process paper. First Peoples Child & Family Review, 3(2): 27-36.
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