Articles & Presentations

Bartlett, C.M. 2006., An Integrative Science look at: your brain on drugs, your brain in an ecosystem. "Mi'kmaq Youth Mentoring Program" Workshop for Mi'kmaq High School Students. Membertou First Nation, NS, 19 December 2006.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2006, Toqwa'tu'kl Kjijitaqnn / Integrative Science: expanding our perspectives via science knowledge inclusivity. Aboriginal Health Sciences Advisory Committee. Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 30 November 2006.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2006, Indigenous and Western Sciences. Bachelor of Social Work program, Dalhousie University Mi'kmaq-Maliseet student group. Sackville, NB., 15 September 2006.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2006, Mimesis within a pattern transformation conceptual framework for Integrative Science for the 21st Century. Colloquium on Violence and Religion (CoVR); Mimesis, Creativity, and Reconciliation. Saint Paul University, Ottawa, ON, 31 May - 4 June 2006.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2006, Assisting the transformative movement within Canada's health care system via "healthy living" (pillar #4) in primary health care strategy; fostering capacity for creative relationship, creative choice, and two-eyed seeing. 5th Annual Cape Breton Health Research Symposium. Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, 26 May 2006.
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Bartlett, C.M. 2006, Knowledges working together: Integrative Science & Two-Eyed Seeing. Adult Learning Association of Cape Breton County. Sydney, NS, 18 April 2006.
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Bartlett, C.M., Hatcher, A., Beresford, R., and Lefort, N. 2006, Integrative Science for the 21st Century: "two-eyed seeing" and "pattern recognition conceptual framework". National Conference, Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM) and Interpretation Canada (IC). White Point Beach, NS, 19-22 October 2006.
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Bartlett, C.M., and Iwama, M. 2006, Integrative Science: transdisciplinarity in action. Graduate Student Seminar, Environmental Studies. Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 4 April 2006.
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Bartlett, C.M., and Iwama, M. 2006, Knowledges working together: Integrative Science & Two-Eyed Seeing. Aboriginal Policy Research Conference. Ottawa, ON, 21-24 March 2006.
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Bartlett, C.M., Iwama, M., and Marshall, A. 2006, Two-Eyed Seeing; strengths of Indigenous and Western scientific knowledges. Acadia University Science Cafe, Wolfville, NS, 6 November 2006.
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Conrod, P.J., Stewart, S.H., Comeau, N., and Maclean, A.M. 2006, Efficacy of cognitive - behavioral interventions targeting personality risk factors for youth alcohol misuse. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 35 (4), 550-563.

Hatcher, A. 2006, Integrative Science: the journey of our effort to bring together Indigenous and Western scientific knowledges. Environment Canada, Dartmouth, NS, May 2006.

Kavanagh, S. 2006, Patterns in plants; a conceptual framework for Integrative Science. National Conference, Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM) and Interpretation Canada (IC). White Point Beach, NS, 19-22 October 2006.

Kavanagh, S., Bartlett, C., and Marshall, M. 2006, Imagination in the natural sciences: pattern recognition, transformation, and expression. 4th International Conference on Imagination and Education; Opening Doors to Imagination. Vancouver, BC, 12-15 July 2006.
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Kavanagh, S., Bartlett, C., and Marshall, M. 2006, Imagination in the natural sciences: pattern recognition, transformation, and expression. 4th International Conference on Imagination and Education; Opening Doors to Imagination (10 pp. in Proceedings). Vancouver, BC, 12-15 July 2006.
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Lefort, N., Bartlett, C., and Marshall, M. 2006, "Natural horizons" in science education. 4th International Conference on Imagination and Education; Opening Doors to Imagination. Vancouver, BC, 12-15 July 2006.
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Lefort, N., Bartlett, C., and Marshall, M. 2006, "Natural horizons" in science education. 4th International Conference on Imagination and Education; Opening Doors to Imagination (8 pp. in Proceedings).
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Sark, A. 2006, Toqikutimk (Together We Are Growing): our children, our sunflowers. 5th Gathering of Healing our Spirits Worldwide. Edmonton, AB, 6-11 August 2006.
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