Articles & Presentations
Bartlett, C.M. 2001, Integrative Science at UCCB: a new approach to teaching post-secondary science. Presentation: 6th Annual Atlantic Universities Teaching Showcase. Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB, 27 October 2001.
Bartlett, C.M. 2001, Transfer of "old" knowledge. Presentation: Nova Scotia Advisory Board on Colleges and Universities. University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS, 26 October 2001.
Bartlett, C.M. 2001, Integrative Science: a transmodern approach to teaching post-secondary science. BAITWorM Conference: Teaching "Biology as if the World Mattered". Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 11-15 May 2001. [PDF not available for download]
Bartlett, C.M. 2001, Integrative Science: a new post-secondary degree program to "bring knowledges together" from Western science and the Mi'kmaw aboriginal world view. Presentation: Living Knowledge; Building Partnerships for Public Access to Research. An international conference on science shops (sponsored by the European Commission, SCIPAS project). Brussels (Leuven), Belgium, 25-27 January 2001.
Comeaua, N., Stewart, S.H., and Lobab, P. 2001, The relations of trait anxiety, anxiety sensitivity, and sensation seeking to adolescents' motivations for alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use. Addictive Behaviors 26: 803-825.