Articles & Presentations

Akeeagok, S., and Dodsworth, S. 2010, Two-Eyed Seeing on the Land (Parts 1 & 2): Bringing Science and Inuit Knowledge Together Through Hands-on Co-learning. Kasuuntiniq; Qikiqtani Teacher's Conference. Inuksuk High School, Iqaluit, Nunavut. 22-26 February 2010. [file = conference program]
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Bartlett, C. 2010, Integrative Science: visuals are us! Educ 520 Phenomenology of Childhood, class of Prof. Diane Lewis. Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, 16 November 2010.

Bartlett, C. 2010, Integrative Science – Dancing to Learn and Learning to Dance. STAO2010 Conference “Inclusive Science: Difference, Diversity and Equity” organized by the Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario. Toronto, ON, 11-13 November 2010.
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Bartlett, C. 2010, Two-Eyed Seeing (an old-new way of bringing together different perspectives) and Integrative Science (Part 2). Environment Canada Aboriginal Peoples and the Environment Speakers Series - Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge (event held in partnership with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans). Gatineau, QC, 7 December 2010.
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2010, Two-Eyed Seeing Science Curricula. Community Education Strategic / Operational Planning Symposium for "Language and Culture" of Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey. Dartmouth, NS, 11 March 2010.
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2010, Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing: Walking & Talking Together. Forum 2 for CFR (Community Fisheries Representative) program and AFSAR (Aboriginal Funds for Species at Risk) organized by UFFCA (Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance). Prince George, BC, 4 March 2010.
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2010, Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing: Walking & Talking Together. Cultural Awareness Training Session for ATK (Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge) for Fisheries & Oceans Canada - SARA (Species At Risk Act) Working Group. Environment Canada, Vancouver, BC, 2 March 2010.
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2010, Two-Eyed Seeing: "taking down the boundaries" between Mi'kmaq Traditional Knowledge and the mainstream. AAEDIRP (Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program) Let's Work Together: A Conference on Creating Meaningful and Sustainable Employment for Atlantic Aboriginal People. Dartmouth, NS, 16-18 February 2010. WikiProceedings at:
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2010., Traditional Knowledge meets Western Knowledge: Two-Eyed Seeing - an old-new way of bringing together different perspectives. Learning Seminar on "Mi'kmaq Ecological Knowledge: How to Include this Valuable Resource in Your Work" organized by Government of Nova Scotia - Office of Aboriginal Affairs. Halifax, NS, 4 February 2010.
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Bartlett, C., and Marshall, A. 2010, Making Our Way: Patterns of Interconnectiveness. YouthLink Conference on "Accessing Opportunities to Post-Secondary Education" organized by MMAYC (Mi'kmaq Maliseet Atlantic Youth Council) and Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs Secretariat. Moncton, NB, 22-24 January 2010.
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Bartlett, C., Marshall, M., and Marshall, A. 2010, Spirits of Health. "Taking the Next Steps: Sustainability Planning, Policy and Participation for Rural Canadian Communities" organized by the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities of the University of Alberta. Augustana Campus - University of Alberta, Camrose, AB, 21-23 October 2010.
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Harris, P. 2010, Storytelling – The Night Sky from around the World. Ingonish Star Gazing Party organized by Parks Canada (Cape Breton Highlands National Park). Ingonish, NS, 14 August 2010.

Harris, P. 2010, The Science of Astronomy – The Patterns of the Night Sky. Riverside Elementary School. Integrative Science Outreach Program. Albert Bridge, NS, 12 January 2010.

Harris, P. 2010, Canadian Aboriginal Astronomy Resource Guide. Astronomy Education Review (author's draft; in press).
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Harris, P., Bartlett, C., Marshall, M., and Marshall, A. 2010, Mi'kmaq Night Sky Stories; patterns of interconnectiveness, vitality and nourishment. Communicating Astronomy to the Public Journal (CAPjournal), no. 9 (October), 14-17.
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Hatcher, A., and Bartlett, C. 2010, Two-Eyed Seeing; building cultural bridges for Aboriginal students. Canadian Teacher Magazine, May, pages 14-17.
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Hesser, J.E., Bartlett, C., Bolduc-Duval, J., Breland, K., Hay, K.D., Jobin, M., Lacasse, R., Lane, D.J., Lemay, D., Percy, J., Welch, D.L., and Woodsworth, A. 2010, An Initial Retrospective on the International Year of Astronomy 2009 in Canada. Journal of the Royal Canadian Astronomical Society, 104(2): 51-56.
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Hesser, J.E., Bartlett, C., Bolduc-Duval, J., Breland, K., Hay, K., Lacasse, R., Lane, D., Lemay, D., Percy, J., Welch, D., and Woodsworth, A. 2010, IYA2009 in Canada: The Initial Retrospective. 215th Semi-annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Washington, DC, 3-7 January 2010. [poster]
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Hesser, J.E. and the IYA-Canada Committee (Bartlett, C., Bolduc-Duval, J., Breland, K., Hay, K.D., Jobin, M., Lacasse, R., Lane, D.J., Lemay, D., Percy, J., Welch, D.L., and Woodsworth, A.). 2010 , Footsteps To The Future: IYA Outcomes in Canada. Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2010 (CAP 2010;) - Building on the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Cape Town, South Africa, 15–19 March 2010.

Kavanagh, S. 2010, For the eel: Mi'kmaq provider, Kataq and Netukulimk. Celebrating Indigenous Knowledges - peoples, lands, cultures; International Conference. Trent University, Peterborough, ON, 16-22 June 2010.
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Marshall, A. 2010, Two-Eyed Seeing (an old-new way of bringing together different perspectives) and Integrative Science (Part 1). Environment Canada Aboriginal Peoples and the Environment Speakers Series - Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge (event held in partnership with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans). Gatineau, QC, 7 December 2010.
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Marshall, A. 2010, Two-Eyed Seeing. Sunday Service, Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax. Halifax, NS, 5 December 2010.
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Marshall, A. 2010, Two-Eyed Seeing: Traditional Mi'kmaw Knowledge and Co-learning. Public Lecture organized by the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat. Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS, 28 October 2010.
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Marshall, A. 2010, Traditional Mi'kmaw Knowledge for Fisheries Resource Management. Aboriginal Fisheries Workshop organized by: The North Shore Tribal Council. Moncton, NB, 22 September 2010.
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Marshall, A. 2010, Two-Eyed Seeing: water - our life blood. First Nations Water Workshop organized by: Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER); Simon Fraser University's Adaptation to Climate Change Team (ACT); and Bob Sanford, Chair of the Canadian Partnership Initiative of United Nations International "Water for Life" Decade. Toronto, ON, 15-16 July 2010.
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Marshall, A. 2010, Connecting with Evidence and Other Ways of Knowing - Two-Eyed Seeing and Traditional Mi’kmaw Knowledge. Making Connections for Public Health Practice, Policy and Research. National Collaborating Centres for Public Health Summer Institute 2010, session held in conjunction with PHIRNET (Population Health Intervention Research Network). Winnipeg, MB, 28-30 June 2010.

Marshall, A., and Bartlett, C. 2010, Environmental Sustainability and Two-Eyed Seeing. College of Sustainability, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 23 September 2010.
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Marshall, A., and Bartlett, C. 2010., Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing; in the spirit of cultural humility. Workshop to "Integrate Cultural Competency and Cultural Safety into Curriculum" organized by Nova Scotia Community College School of Health and Human Services, and St. Francis Xavier University School of Nursing. Millbrook, NS, 12 March 2010.
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Marshall, A., Bartlett, C., and Marshall, M. 2010, Ta'ntelo'lti'k - Mi'kmaq Knowledge and Two-Eyed Seeing. Time and A Place Conference: Environmental Histories, Environmental Futures, and Prince Edward Island. University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI, 13-18 June 2010.
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Marshall, M., and Harris, P. 2010, Muin and the 7 Bird Hunters - an introduction into Mi'kmaq astronomy lore . Organized by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada as a public outreach meeting on Cultural Astronomy. Halifax, NS, 17 September 2010.

Marshall, L., Marshall, M., Harris, P., and Bartlett, C. 2010, Muin Aqq L’uiknek Te’sijik Ntuksuinu’k - Mi’kmawey Tepkikewey Musikiskey A’tukwaqn; Muin and The Seven Bird Hunters - A Mi’kmaw Night Sky Story. Cape Breton University Press, Sydney, NS.

Marshall, A., Marshall, M., and Iwama, M. 2010, Approaching Mi'kmaq Teachings on the Connectiveness of Humans and Nature. In: S. Bondrup-Nielsen, K. Beazley, G. Bissix, D. Colville, S. Flemming, T. Herman, M. McPherson, S. Mockford, and S. O'Grady (Eds). 2010. Ecosystem Based Management: Beyond Boundaries. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Science and the Management of Protected Areas, 21-26 May 2007, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Science and Management of Protected Areas Association, Wolfville, NS.
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Mushquash, C.J., Comeau. M.N., McLeod, B.D., and Stewart, S.H. 2010, A four-stage method for developing early interventions for alcohol among Aboriginal adolescents. International Journal of Mental Health Addiction, 8: 296-309.
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Noel, M., O'Connor, R.M., Boudreau, B., Mushquash, C.J., Comeau, M.N., Stevens, D., and Stewart, S.H. 2010, The Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index (RAPI): a comparison of cut-points in First Nations Mi'kmaq and non-aboriginal adolescents in rural Nova Scotia. International Journal of Mental Health Addiction, 8: 336–350.
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Stewart, S. H., Comeau, M. N., O, Two studies evaluating a personality and motivational model of alcohol use and misuse in Canadian Aboriginal youth. First Nations and Inuit Health Branch's (FNIHB) 2nd Biennial First Nations, Inuit and Métis Health Research Meeting, Ottawa, ON, 12-14 May 2010.

Van Wilgenburg, H. A., and Comeau, M. N. 2010, Tyranny of 'or': research or dissemination? obligation or exploitation? through community-academic research. 16th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, BC, 3-5 October 2010.

Van Wilgenburg, H. A., Comeau, M. N., Collins, P., and Stewart, S. H. 2010, A study evaluating a set of interventions for preventing substance abuse problems in Canadian Aboriginal youth. 16th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference, Vancouver, BC, 3-5 October 2010.

Van Wilgenburg, H. A., Comeau, M. N., Collins, P., Clark, J. C., and Stewart, S. H. 2010, Evidence of effective substance abuse treatment for adolescent offenders in Canada. International Conference on Special Needs Offenders, Sheraton on the Falls - Niagara Falls, ON, 19-22 September 2010.

Williams, K. 2010, Medicinal Plants in Tajikistan: an alternative livelihoods option. 10th International People Plant Symposium. Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, NS, 6-8 August 2010.

Williams, K. 2010, Wild Mushroom Harvesting: apply the precautionary principle. Rural Delivery, Fall Issue: 16-18.

Williams, K.J. 2010, Non-timber forest products (NTFPs): an opportunity for cultural and economic revitalization in the Nova Scotia Gaelic community. Lasag, Summer 2010.

Wright, K.D., Asmundson, G.J.G., McCreary, D.R., Stewart, S.H., McLaughlin, E., Comeau, M.N., Walsh, T.M. 2010, Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index: a gender comparison. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (iFirst article, pp. 1-11), DOI: 10.1080/16506073.2010.486840