Storytelling and Dancing: valuing our relationships and actions (Co-Learning) May 01, 2018
On May 4, 2018, Elder Dr. Albert Marshall and Dr. Cheryl Bartlett co-presented at the ANSUT (Association of Nova Scotia University Teachers) conference held in Membertou First Nation, Unama'ki / Cape Breton. Their presentation was entitled "... MORE
Two-Eyed Seeing at Policy Community Conference, Ottawa May 01, 2018
On 28 March 2018, at the "Policy Community Conference" of the Government of Canada held in Ottawa, ON, Dr. Elder Albert Marshall and Dr. Cheryl Bartlett were invited participants in a panel on Two-Eyed Seeing. MORE
video: Etuaptmumk - Two-Eyed Seeing December 05, 2017
Wondering about Etuaptmumk - Two-Eyed Seeing? Watch this video! With sincere thanks to Gillian Austin, PhD Candidate in Indigenous Studies, Trent University. Description provided by Gil... MORE
Two-Eyed Seeing - an overview of the guiding principle August 31, 2017
In August 2017, an overview presentation on Two-Eyed Seeing was done for Dominique Blanchard, the new Assistant Deputy Minister in the Public and Indigenous Affairs and Ministerial Services Branch within Environment and Climate Change Canada. The PDF... MORE
Elder Albert Marshall - climate change and rural communities June 27, 2017
Elder Albert Marshall will be a key participant in the upcoming "Climate Change, Drawdown & the Human Prospect: A Retreat for Empowering our Climate Future for Rural Communities" planned for Pugwash, NS, Sept 28 - Oct 1, 2017. He will t... MORE
2015 Book Chapter: Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing: Enriching the Discussion Framework for Healthy Communities June 27, 2017
Chapter 10, entitled "Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing: Enriching the Discussion Framework for Healthy Communities" for the 2015 book "Ecosystems, Society and Health: Pathways through Diversity, Convergence and Integration&... MORE
Two-Eyed Seeing - CIHR Edmonton June 19, 2017
On 19 June 2017, Dr. Cheryl Bartlett presented, by invitation, on Two-Eyed Seeing at a meeting of CIHR's "Indigenous Peoples' Health Institutes Advisory Board" in Edmonton, AB. Background was provided on Mi'kmaq Elder Albert Mar... MORE
We, Together - Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing; Univ of Toronto - Mississauga June 01, 2017
On 5 June 2017, Dr. Cheryl Bartlett delivered, by invitation, the E.A. Robinson Science Education Lecture at the University of Toronto - Mississauga. A video of the lecture is available here: . A... MORE
Canada's Fundamental Science Review 2017 June 01, 2017
In April 2017, the report "Canada's Fundamental Science Review 2017 ... Investing in Canada's Future; Strengthening the Foundations of Canadian Research" (also known as the "Naylor Report") was submitted to the Government... MORE
Mi'kmaq Elder Albert Marshall discusses Two-Eyed Seeing, Co-Learning, and Truth and Reconciliation June 01, 2017
In 2017, January through June, Mi'kmaq Elder and Honorary Doctorate Albert Marshall spoke, by invitation, about Two-Eyed Seeing, Co-Learning, Truth and Reconciliation, and related topics at diverse events across Canada. These included: Two-... MORE
Sometimes it's like a heavy sledge - Science, Two-Eyed Seeing ... Part 1 overview March 01, 2017
On 14 March 2017, Dr. Cheryl Bartlett gave a presentation at the University of Lethbridge in southern Alberta for the Women Scholars' Speaker Series; the presentation was an overview of about two decades of work and research&n... MORE
Sometimes it's like a heavy sledge - Science, Two-Eyed Seeing ... Part 2 curricula March 01, 2017
On 15 March 2017, Dr. Cheryl Bartlett gave a presentation at the University of Lethbridge in southern Alberta for a course taught by Professor Dr. Michelle Hogue (Co-ordinator of the First Nations' Transition Program, Univ Let... MORE
Indigenous Determinants of Health: interview with Elder Albert Marshall March 01, 2017
In Winter 2017, NCCAH (National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health) posted an interview with Elder Albert Marshall. Click the link below to view it: The interview is part of NCCAH's promotion of under... MORE
Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing: enriching the discussion framework for healthy communities March 01, 2017
"Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing: enriching the discussion framework for healthy communities" appeared as Chapter 10 authored by Cheryl Bartlett, Murdena Marshall, Albert Marshall, and Marilyn Iwama in the 2... MORE
Integrative Science academic program and BScCS March 01, 2017
Documents were drafted in Winter 2014 to convey diverse understandings pertaining to Integrative Science as a concentration containing innovative MSIT science courses within the Bachelor of Science Community Studies (BScCS) four year degree at Cape B... MORE
Two-Eyed Seeing in Education Canada July 01, 2014
In Summer 2014, Dr. Michelle Hogue (Univ of Lethbridge) and Dr. Cheryl Bartlett (Cape Breton Univ) published a co-authored article entitled "Two-Eyed Seeing - creating a new liminal space in education". You can access it on the Education Ca... MORE
Etuaptmumk - Two-Eyed Seeing: where Indigenous and Western perspectives meet April 13, 2014
On 16 April 2014, Mi'kmaq Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall and CBU Professor Emeritus Cheryl Bartlett were guests at the "Welcome to our Talking Circle" speaker series of the Mi'kmaq-Maliseet Institute at the University of New Bru... MORE
Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall - Two Eyed Seeing at MK Planning Symposium March 02, 2014
On 6 March 2014, Mi'kmaq Elders Drs. Murdena and Albert Marshall of Eskasoni First Nation gave two presentations for the Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey Strategic Planning Symposium in Dartmouth, NS. The overall theme for the Symposium was &q... MORE
Fisheries and Mi'kmaq Traditional Knowledge March 02, 2014
On 25 February 2014, Mi'kmaq Elder Dr. Albert Marshall was an invited guest at the Gespe'gewaq Mi'gmaq Resource Council (GMRC) science symposium in Miramichi, NB. He spoke about Mi'kmaq Traditional Knowledge and using Two-Eyed S... MORE
Professor Emeritus Cheryl Bartlett at University of Alberta - Augustana Campus March 02, 2014
On 25 and 26 February 2014, CBU Professor Emeritus Cheryl Bartlett was a guest at the University of Alberta's Augustana Campus (Camrose) where she received the 2103 Distinguished Alumni Award. While on campus, she presented a public "l... MORE
Incorporating ATK into DFO's IFMPs: community involvement and engagement - methodology January 19, 2014
On 6-7 February 2014, CBU Prof. Emeritus Cheryl Bartlett and Mi'kmaq Elders and Drs Albert and Murdena Marshall attended the APCFNC Fisheries Conference in Moncton, NB. Their presentation, entitled "Community involvement & engageme... MORE
Incorporating ATK into DFO's IFMPs: sharing knowledge, building partnerships January 19, 2014
On 30-31 January 2014, CBU Prof Emeritus Cheryl Bartlett and Elder Dr. Albert Marshall attended the APCFNC - AAEDIRP Fisheries Workshop - Sharing Knowledge and Building Partnerships in Moncton, NB. Representatives from fisheries, AAROMs, univer... MORE
Two-Eyed Seeing at Trent University September 16, 2013
In late October, 2013, Mi'kmaw Elders and Drs Murdena and Albert Marshall will spend several days at Trent University, engaging in discussions about Two-Eyed Seeing with students and faculty in the Indigenous Studies program. MORE
Integrative Science & Two-Eyed Seeing - stories, patterns, science, theory - St Thomas University MMBSW September 15, 2013
On 19 Sept 2013, CBU Professor Emerita Cheryl Bartlett and CBU-Unama'ki College Aboriginal Health Sciences Facilitator Janice Basque presented, in Sackville, NB, for 3rd year students in the Mi'kmaq-Maliseet Bachelor of Social Work degree pro... MORE
Two-Eyed Seeing at EECOM in Victoria, BC May 22, 2013
In late June 2013, Elder Albert Marshall and Ms Nadine Lefort will present at the EECOM (Environmental Education and Communication) conference in Victoria, BC, hosted at the University of Victoria (June 26-30). The conference theme is "Env... MORE
Integrative Science at STLHE conference May 18, 2013
On 20-22 June 2013, the STLHE (Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education conference for 2013 will be held at Cape Breton University in Sydney, NS. Dr. Annamarie Hatcher, who is a Research Fellow with the Institute of Integ... MORE
Two-Eyed Seeing: Netukulimk and Stewardship May 12, 2013
On 16 May 2013, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall and Mi'kmaw Conservation Group staff person Sana Kavanagh spoke at the workshop "Species at Risk Stewardship in Atlantic Canada: Best Practices, Collaborative Approaches, and Techniques... MORE
Launch of book authored by Mi'kmaw Elders and Prune Harris May 01, 2013
On 3 May 2013, the book entitled "Our Grandmothers' Words: Traditional Stories of Nurturing" (published by CBU Press) will be launched at the high school in Eskasoni First Nation. It is authored by Prune Harris, El... MORE
Vimy Makes Canada April 07, 2013
On 7 April 2013, Dr. Mary K MacLeod with assistance from Dr. Cheryl Bartlett delivered a powerfully illustrated presentation entitled "One Battle - One Victory - One Nation: Vimy Makes Canada" as part of lead up events organ... MORE
World Water Day March 25, 2013
On 27 March 2013, Dr. Annamarie Hatcher (Research Fellow, Institute for Integrative Science & Health) will be giving a public lecture for World Water Day at Cape Breton University. 2013 is the International Year of Water Cooperation an... MORE
National Colloquium on Indigenous Knowledge and Aboriginal Health Research February 25, 2013
On 12-13 March 2013, Integrative Science's Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall from the Mi'kmaw community of Eskasoni will be in Vancouver, BC, to attend the 2nd National Colloquium on Indigenous Knowledge and Aboriginal Health... MORE
Mi'kmaw perspective within training re commerical fisheries and species at risk February 24, 2013
On 27 February 2013, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall will be speaking in Eskasonic First Nation at a training session for commercial fishers on the Mi'kmaw perspective as it relates to the topic of "commercial fishing and species at r... MORE
Mi'kmaw Conservation Group - Elder Albert Marshall at Moncton meeting February 22, 2013
On 3-4 March 2013, the Mi'kmaq Conservation Group (MCG) is meeting in Moncton. Elder Albert Marshall of Eskasoni First Nation will attend as an Elder Advisor. The mission of the MCG is to promote and restore the co... MORE
Two-Eyed Seeing and ATK for commercial fisheries February 17, 2013
On 20 February 2013, CBU Professor Emerita Cheryl Bartlett presented on Two-Eyed Seeing and ATK (Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge) at the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab Advisory Committee meeting held in Moncton,&nbs... MORE
Integrative Science & Two-Eyed Seeing for NCCDH February 17, 2013
On 21 February 2013, Dr. Cheryl Bartlett presented on the "Co-Learning Journey of Integrative Science and Two-Eyed Seeing" at a meeting in Antigonish, NS, of the NCCDH (National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health) tea... MORE
NCCAH Advisory Committee Meeting - Elder Albert Marshall in Vancouver February 11, 2013
On 19-21 February 2013, the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) is holding an Advisory Committee meeting in Vancouver, BC. Mi'kmaq Elder Albert Marshall from Eskasoni First Nation is a member of the Committee and wil... MORE
AAEDIRP Workshop - plenary panel with Elder Murdena Marshall January 19, 2013
On 7 February 2013, Mi'kmaw Elder Murdena Marshall from Eskasoni First Nation will be part of a plenary panel discussing "what does it mean to collaborate and build capacity?" at a workshop organized by AAEDIRP (Atlantic Aboriginal... MORE
ATK presentation for APC Fisheries Workshop January 19, 2013
On 5 February 2013, Mi'kmaw Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall and retired CBU Professor Cheryl Bartlett gave a presentation on ATK (Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge) at the APC (Atlantic Policy Congress) Fisheries Workshop occurri... MORE
Rod Beresford receives commercialization funding from innovacorp January 13, 2013
In December 2012, Rod Beresford, Assistant Professor in Integrative Science at Cape Breton University, was awarded "early stage commercialization funding" by innovacorp for his project entitled "Commercial Scale Treatment of... MORE
MSX Workshop in PEI January 07, 2013
On 16 January 2013, Rod Beresford (Assistant Professor, Integrative Science, CBU) attended, by invitation, a workshop in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (PEI) to examine the development of a coordinated response plan to the potential introdu... MORE
CIHR-IAPH launches new research funding program for Two-Eyed Seeing in Aboriginal health December 14, 2012
On 12 December 2012, CIHR-IAPH (Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health) launched a new research funding opportunity entitled "Applying the Two-Eyed Seeing" model to Aboriginal health research. R... MORE
Determinants of Aboriginal Health and Education November 16, 2012
On 19 November 2012, Métis educator Don Fiddler will speak to the theme "working on the determinants of Aboriginal health and education: building resilient youth and families" at 7:00 pm at St. Francis Xavier Universit... MORE
Elder Albert Marshall - Saint Mary's University November 09, 2012
On 15 Nov 2012, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall will give a public presentation on Two-Eyed Seeing at Saint Mary's University. This environmental seminar is at 1:00 pm in Room 310 of the Science Building and is sponsored by... MORE
Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall - visiting Chapleau Cree First Nation November 08, 2012
In late November 2012, Mi'kmaw Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall will make a return visit to Chapleau Cree First Nation in Ontario, at the invitation of the Elders Regional Council. They will share understandings... MORE
Elder Albert Marshall - Dalhousie Univ October 29, 2012
On 29 October 2012, Elder Albert Marshall spoke with students at Dalhousie University about Two-Eyed Seeing and Co-Learning. The students were those enrolled in the course "Introduction to Aboriginal Peoples' Health and Healing&qu... MORE
Partner Forum for Pathways to Health Equity for Aboriginal Peoples - a CIHR signature initiative September 30, 2012
The inaugural Pathways Partner Forum takes place in Ottawa, ON, on October 16-17 and CBU's CRC in Integrative Science Cheryl Bartlett has been invited to participate in a panel discussion at the event. "Pathways to... MORE
New Publications August 15, 2012
Two articles on Two-Eyed Seeing and Integrative Science have recently been published in the Journal of Environmental Studies and Science. The articles are: (1) "Two-Eyed Seeing and other Lessons Learned within a co-learning... MORE
Blockhouse, NS - Two-Eyed Seeing within permaculture course May 04, 2012
On 21 May 2012, Elder Albert Marshall and Integrative Science Research Associate Prune Harris will be speaking on Two-Eyed Seeing as a special presentation within the two-week course on permaculture being offered at Blockhouse, NS. See website... MORE
Is Boat Harbour making people sick? - research team retreat March 10, 2012
On 28-29 April 2012, Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall and CRC in Integrative Science Dr. Cheryl Bartlett will attend a retreat at Tatamagouche, NS, as part of a CIHR-funded research project of Dr. Heather Castleden at... MORE
2012 Governor General's Canadian Leadership Conference March 09, 2012
On 1 June 2012, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall is an invited participant in the Governor General's Canadian Leadership Conference taking place in Halifax, NS, June 1-15. The conference, which occurs every fo... MORE
CIHR-NAHO Indigenous Methods Steering Committee meeting March 08, 2012
On 13 March 2012, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall will be in Ottawa, ON, to attend a meeting of the CIHR-NAHO (Canadian Institutes of Health Research - National Aboriginal Health Organization) Indigenous Methods Steering Committee. MORE
Elder Murdena Marshall - Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health March 08, 2012
On 6-7 March 2012, Elder Murdena Marshall was a special guest at the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health in Ottawa, ON; she participated in counselling sessions and a cultural evening. Information about the Centre is available at: http://www.wa... MORE
NCCAH Advisory Board meeting & NCCPH Summer Institute March 07, 2012
On 16-19 May 2012, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall will be in Kelowna, BC, for a meeting of the board of the National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCCAH) and for the 2012 NCCPH Summer Institute. NCCPH (National Collaborating Ce... MORE
Elder Albert Marshall - Keynote Speaker - Earth Day Celebrations March 04, 2012
On 20 April 2012, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall will be the Keynote Speaker at the Earth Day Celebrations being held at the Glooscap Heritage Centre in Millbrook First Nation, NS. More information is available at: http://www.gloo... MORE
Aboriginal Health Research Summer Institute - AAHRP March 04, 2012
28 May - 1 June 2012 are the dates for the Aboriginal Health Research Summer Institute to be hosted at Pictou Lodge, NS, by the Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program (AAHRP). Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall is an invited speak... MORE
Muin and the Seven Bird Hunters - readings from storybook authored by Mi'kmaw Elders and Integrative Science February 29, 2012
On 31 March 2012, in Mabou, NS, the story "Muin and the Seven Bird Hunters" will be featured during a children's day at Strathspey Place. Information can be found in the open invitation and announcement appended herein.... MORE
Honouring Traditional Knowledge in Academia - Two-Eyed Seeing and Co-Learning February 29, 2012
On 30 March 2012, at the APCFNC Head Office in Cole Harbour, NS, Mi'kmaw Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall and CBU Professor Cheryl Bartlett will give a presentation entitled “TWO-EYED SEEING and CO-LEARNING: Honouring Trad... MORE
The Sacred Space of Womanhood: Mothering Across the Generations January 21, 2012
24-25 January 2012, Mi'kmaw Elders Murdena Marshall from Eskasoni and Lillian Marshall from Potlotek, as well as Dr. Marilyn Iwama (Integrative Science Research Fellow 2005-2008), will be in Ottawa, ON, for "The Sacred Space of Womanhoo... MORE
Mi'kmaw calendar featuring children's artwork and Muin - Potlotek First Nation January 21, 2012
Mi'kmaw Elder Lillian Marshall and her creative team in Potlotek First Nation have worked with the community's school children to produce a colourful and educational 2012 wall calendar. Mi'kmaw language is profil... MORE
Northern Ontario Workshop at Chapleau Cree First Nation January 20, 2012
During 13-17 February 2012, Mi'kmaw Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall will be visiting Chapleau Cree First Nation in Ontario, at the invitation of the Elders Regional Council and Northeast Superior Regional Chiefs Forum. They will be... MORE
ARALA conference - keynote by Elder Albert Marshall January 19, 2012
On 7 March 2012, in Moncton, NB, Mi'kmaw and Integrative Science Elder Albert Marshall will give an invited keynote address at the "Lands Management and Economic Development Conference" for the Atlantic Region Aboriginal Lands... MORE
Two-Eyed Seeing in Nova Scotia's 10 year natural resources strategic plan January 09, 2012
Nova Scotia's natural resources strategy for 2011-2020 includes Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall's concept of Two-Eyed Seeing in the section on research and knowledge sharing. A pdf of the strategy is available at: ... MORE
News for 2013-2014 (as well as earlier times) can be found in Archives. January 01, 2012
The Institute for Integrative Science & Health (IISH) closed in June 2013. Some information about presentations and publications in 2013-2014 by people who were part of IISH can be found in the Archives section of the IISH website. MORE
Elders Recommendations - Atlantic First Nations Annual Health Conference November 10, 2011
The Atlantic First Nations Annual Health Conference, this year themed "Walking the Path to Wellness", is occurring in Dartmouth, NS, 14-16 November 2011. Mi'kmaq Elders Albert and Murdena Marshall are joining with other... MORE
Honouring Traditional Knowledge - APCFNC Elders' Project November 01, 2011
The Elders' Eight Recommendations and Elders' Project Report are now available for the research project undertaken by the Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program (AAEDIRP) and the Atlantic Policy Congres... MORE
Aboriginal Forum - Halifax October 23, 2011
Mi'kmaq Elder Albert Marshall of Eskasoni First Nation is giving a keynote address at the Aboriginal Forum in Halifax, NS, on 5-6 Dec 2011. More information is available at . &n... MORE
Environment Canada - Halifax October 23, 2011
Mi'kmaq Elder Albert Marshall and CRC in Integrative Science Cheryl Bartlett have been invited to present on Two-Eyed Seeing in Dartmouth, NS, in early December, for staff at Environment Canada. MORE
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada - Halifax September 24, 2011
CRC in Integrative Science Cheryl Bartlett is an invited participant and speaker for the "Gathering to Celebrate Indigenous Knowledge: Mobilizing Pathways to Reconciliation" as part of the Atlantic region event within the seven nation... MORE
Integrative Science educational posters - distribution throughout Nova Scotia September 23, 2011
October is Mi'kmaq History Month in the province of Nova Scotia and Integrative Science has shipped, upon request, large numbers of two of its most significant educational posters, namely Mi'kmawe'k Tepknusetk (Mi'kmaq Calendar) and P... MORE
Contextualizing Health Information Communication Technologies: National Workshop September 22, 2011
CRC in Integrative Science Dr. Cheryl Bartlett is an invited speaker for "Contextualizing Health Information Communication Technologies: an Inter-Disciplinary National Workshop to Explore the Intersections of ICTs, Aboriginal Health and Id... MORE
CBC Radio Sydney "Leaders in Their Field" series interview - Cheryl Bartlett September 22, 2011
CBC Radio Sydney featured an interview with Canada Research Chair in Integrative Science Dr. Cheryl Bartlett on 22 September 2011. The full interview (17 minutes) can be heard at MORE
Talking With Their Feet September 14, 2011
This booklet, written in non-academic language, presents the findings of a research study (funded by CIHR) to find the causes of and solutions to non-attendance of Aboriginal people in diabetes clinics. The Principal Investigator was Dr. Barbar... MORE
Healthy Land, Healthy People Gathering September 09, 2011
The National Collaborating Centre for Aborginal Health (based at UNBC, the University of Northern British Columbia), with suppport from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), will be hosting (by invitation only) a "Healthy Land, Heal... MORE
CRC in Integrative Science Cheryl Bartlett and Research Associate Prune Harris will be attending the conference "EVALUATION OF INTER- AND TRANSDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH: experiences and reflections on best practices" in Bern, Switzerland,... MORE
CAIET 2011 August 26, 2011
CRC in Integrative Science Dr. Cheryl Bartlett and Research Associate Prune Harris will be presenting at the national conference of the Canadian Association for Integrative and Energy Therapies which is being held in Toronto, Ontario, 21-23 October 2... MORE
New Book - Ta'n Wetapeksi'k: Understanding From Where We Come ... with chapter on Integrative Science July 21, 2011
The story of the journey of Integrative Science is a chapter in the just released book "Ta'n Wetapeksi'k: Understanding From Where We Come" edited by T. Bernard, L.M. Rosenmeier, and S.L. Farrell published by Eastern Woodland Print... MORE
CBU's Integrative Science academic program profiled June 10, 2011
In the just released 2010 Canadian Journal of Native Education (Vol. 33, No. 1) there is an article that profiles the achievements of the Integrative Science academic program at Cape Breton University. The article's authors are Jonathan Anu... MORE
Dreamcatcher Project May 01, 2011
On 10 May 2011, a ceremony marking the seventh and final year of the Membertou Dreamcatcher Project will take place in the atrium of the Membertou Trade and Convention Centre. The Dreamcatcher is a gift from the children of Membertou Elementary... MORE
Eels were life to our people - Graduate Student presentation at Congress for Humanities and Social Sciences May 01, 2011
On May 31, 2011, Sana Kavanagh (Research Associate with the Institute for Integrative Science & Health at Cape Breton University and also Graduate Student at Dalhousie University) will deliver a presentation entitled "'Eels were life to... MORE
A Good Feed: reverence for eels as a guiding principle for TEK - Graduate Student presentation at Coastal CURA Conference April 29, 2011
During 26-29 June 2011, Integrative Science Research Associate Sana Kavanagh (who is enrolled in a Masters graduate program at Dalhousie University) will present on her thesis research at the "People in Places: Engaging Together in Integra... MORE
TV airing of - Interconnectiveness - by CRC Cheryl Bartlett April 28, 2011
28 April - 11 May, 2011, Eastlink Podium TV Sydney is airing a taped version of the presentation "Interconnectiveness" delivered by CRC Cheryl Bartlett at Acadia University for International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination. MORE
International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant April 26, 2011
On 24 July 2011, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall will speak on Two-Eyed Seeing during the opening ceremonies for the International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant in Halifax, NS. More than 700 delegates from throughout the world a... MORE
Mainstreaming Indigenous Knowledge for Sustainability April 19, 2011
May 9-11, 2011, sees Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall as an invited participant in the conference "Mainstreaming Indigenous Knowledge for Sustainability" at The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread in Racine, Wisconsin. The purpose of th... MORE
Co-Learning and Two-Eyed Seeing - Mi'kmaw Cultural Lecture Series April 18, 2011
On 28 April 2011, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall and CRC in Integrative Science Cheryl Bartlett will present at the Wagmatcook Cuture & Heritage Centre, as part of a speaker series on Mi'kmaw culture. The time of their presentation i... MORE
IISH website featured by AHRNets March 23, 2011
Our website for the Institute of Integrative Science & Health, beginning in early March 2011, has been the "featured website" by the Aboriginal Health Research Network Secretariat, an organization for Aboriginal health research across C... MORE
Two-Eyed Seeing presentations March 21, 2011
Elder Albert Marshall will be speaking on Two-Eyed Seeing Thursday evening, March 24, 2011 in Sydney, NS and again on Monday, March 28 in Truro, NS. MORE
National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health (NCC-AH) March 16, 2011
In June 2011, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall will be a special guest at the Longhouse on the UBC campus in Vancouver for a workshop organized by NCC-AH. MORE
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) March 01, 2011
On 2 March 2011, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall will be attending this workshop hosted by NRTEE in collaboration with the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI) at the Membertou Trade and Conven... MORE
National Aboriginal Fisheries Forum February 25, 2011
On 29 March 2011, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall and Dr. Cheryl Bartlett will co-present on Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Two-Eyed Seeing, and Co-Learning at the National Aboriginal Fisheries Forum being held 29-31 March in Dartmouth... MORE
NEAHR centres - research awards renewed by CIHR February 02, 2011
The Network Environments of Aboriginal Health Research (NEAHR) have had their research awards renewed by CIHR. The network comprises 9 centres across Canada as well as a national office. Their mandate is to build research capacity in Aboriginal... MORE
CBU Religious Studies and Philosophy course February 01, 2011
On 17 February 2011, Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall and CBU Canada Research Chair in Integrative Science Cheryl Bartlett will be presenting on health and healing for Dr. Jim Gerrie's Religious Studies and Philosophy class at Cape Breton... MORE
Elders Project - AAEDIRP (Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program) February 01, 2011
During 16-18 March 2011, "Let’s All Help Each Other: a Conference on Aboriginal Community-Based Research", will occur in Moncton, NB. Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall from Eskasoni and CBU Canada Research Chair in Integr... MORE
DFO - Coast Guard College February 01, 2011
On 1 March 2011, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall and CRC Cheryl Bartlett will give a Two-Eyed Seeing presentation for DFO's (Maritime) Aboriginal Fisheries Guardian Training program at the Canadian Coast Guard College in Syd... MORE
Wise Practices III HIV / AIDS Research Conference February 01, 2011
On 9-11 March 2011, Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall has been invited to speak on Two-Eyed Seeing at the "Wise Practices III HIV / AIDS Research Conference" being held at the Marriot Waterfront in Halifax, NS. Wise Practices III is a... MORE
Acadia University - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. February 01, 2011
On 21 March 2011, which is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, CRC Cheryl Bartlett will speak about Integrative Science at Acadia University in Wolfville, NS. ABSTRACT: “Interconnectiveness” says Mi... MORE
Book Launch: Muin and the Seven Bird Hunters December 15, 2010
On Thursday, the 20th of January 2011, we are going to have a celebration in Potlotek First Nation!!!!! Contact Mike Hunter at CBU Press for additional information. Or, Peyton Chisholm at the Unama'ki College of Cape Breton University... MORE