Seeing Oneself
SEEING ONESELF resources provide services and materials associated with positive approaches promoting youth health. Education, consultation, training and professional development services are offered through operation of workshops, seminars, conferences, courses of instruction, and interactive programs in the fields of psychology, health promotion and education, substance abuse, and crime prevention. Integrative Science Research Fellow Dr. Nancy Comeau is the main energy for this work. The website indicates that "the Mi'kmaw concept, 'Nemi’simk', is a source of meaning connected to the English title SEEING ONESELF, originating through team collaboration including Elders Dr. Albert Marshall and Dr. Murdena Marshall, and Darren Stevens, School counselor and cultural advisor, Eskasoni Mi'kmaw First Nation, and Dr. Cheryl Bartlett, Canada Research Chair in Integrative Science, Cape Breton University, NS, Canada."
Nunavut - Environment
The Nunavut Department of Environment has partnered with the Department of Education and a number of local and regionally-based Inuit organizations to develop and update land-based camp curriculum for youth. Camps have focused on fostering "Two-Eyed Seeing", whereby science and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit are brought together through hands-on learning in the environment.
CCL (Canadian Council on Learning) - Aboriginal holistic lifelong learning models
CCL's Aboriginal Learning Knowledge Centre developed visual, interactive lifelong learning models for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people in Canada. Integrative Science emphasizes these visual models in almost all its oral presentations. Scroll to the bottom of the page in the url below, to find these models.
UINR - Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources
Created in 1999, the Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources (UINR) represents the five Mi'kmaw communities of Unama'ki (Cape Breton), NS, and was formed to address concerns regarding natural resources and their sustainability. The Integrative Science program at Cape Breton University has an MOU (memorandum of understanding) with UINR in regards various collaborative projects. It is also UINR that serves the administration needs of the Unama'ki Council of Elders, with whom Integrative Science frequently engages.
CEPI - Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative
The Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI) addresses environmental management issues around the Bras d'Or Lakes and associated watershed lands in Unama'ki - Cape Breton, NS. It was created in 2003 in response to a request by the Cape Breton First Nations' Chiefs to develop an overall environmental management plan for the Bras d'Or. Today, CEPI includes a rich diversity of participants from Mi'kmaw communities, federal-provincial-municipal governments, NGOs, industry, universities, and community members. Two-Eyed Seeing is a key Guiding Principle for CEPI, as well as for Integrative Science.
MDCC - Mi'kmawey Debert Cultural Centre
MDCC, the Mi'kmawey Debert Cultural Centre, is a project being developed on behalf all Mi'kmaw First Nation communities in Nova Scotia by the Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq. It focuses on archaeological sites at Debert, NS, that date back more than 11,000 calendar years. The project is an outgrowth of these sites having been designated, in the 1970s, as a National Historic Site and as a Nova Scotia Protected Place. The Centre will be a place for instilling Mi'kmaw pride and identity, teaching history, and highlighting the Mi'kmaw language and oral traditions, and communicating the wisdom of Elders. The culture of the Mi'kmaw people rests largely on oral traditions and the Centre will play a critical role in collecting and keeping these stories. Integrative Science has interacted, in many wonderful ways over the years, with MDCC and its Elders' Advisory Council.
AAHRP - Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program
AARHP (Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program) is part of a nation-wide initiative by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health (CIHR-IAPH) to strengthen the capacity of Aboriginal people in health research and it plays a valuable role in matching Aboriginal community-based research and information needs with university-based resources. AAHRP started in 2003 with funding under the ACADRE (Aboriginal Capacity And Developmental Research Environments) program. In 2007, new CIHR funding was approved under the NEAHR (Network Environments of Aboriginal Health Research) program. This was renewed in October 2010 for two years, as part of a collective effort by all the NEAHRs across Canada. Ms. Carla Moore, Dalhousie University, is AAHRP's Director and Dr. Fred Wien is its Nominated Principal Applicant. Dr. Cheryl Bartlett, Canada Research Chair in Integrative Science at Cape Breton University, is one of the Principal Applicants on the current research award and was a Co-Applicant on AAHRP under the first NEAHR grant.
AHRNet - Aboriginal Health Research Network Secretariat
The AHRNet (Aboriginal Health Research Network) Secretariat is the coordinating body for the nine NEAHR (Network Environments for Aboriginal Health Research) centres located across Canada. Its role is to lead a national advanced research agenda in the area of Aboriginal health and promote innovative research that will serve to improve the health of Aboriginal people in Canada. The NEAHR centres are funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health (CIHR-IAPH).
Atlantic Policy Congress (APC) of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat
The Atlantic Policy Congress (APC) of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat is a policy, research and advocacy Secretariat for 38 Chiefs of Mi'kmaq, Maliseet, Innu and Passamaquoddy Nations and Communities in Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and Maine. APC works to speak with one voice, with a mandate to "research, analyze and develop alternatives to federal policies that affect the Mi'kmaq, Maliseet, Innu and Passmaquoddy First Nations in the Atlantic region."
International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) in Canada
This is the legacy site for International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) in Canada. IYA2009 was a global celebration of astronomy and its contributions to society and culture, stimulating worldwide interest not only in astronomy, but in science in general, with a particular slant towards young people. IYA2009 was an activity for the citizens of Planet Earth. It conveyed the excitement of personal discovery, the pleasure of sharing fundamental knowledge about the Universe and our place in it, and the value of scientific culture. Celebrations of Aboriginal astronomy, alongside mainstream astronomy, were encouraged in all countries. In Canada, Integrative Science and Mi'kmaw Elders participated by way of their collaboration in creating the video of the Mi'kmaw Night Sky Story "Muin and the Seven Bird Hunters".
Stories of the Night Sky
Stories of the Night Sky features digital video technology coupled with online media training in a project that brings together Aboriginal youth from across Canada to gather and share diverse and rich Aboriginal night sky stories from community Elders. A main source of energy behind this work is Yvonne Mosley, our "audio/video" production person for Integrative Science (see "People").
TERRALINGUA - unity in biocultural diversity
Terralingua is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1996 by a group of committed individuals from different backgrounds who shared a fundamental set of beliefs and who work to sustain the biocultural diversity of life - the world's invaluable heritage of biological, cultural, and linguistic diversity - through an innovative program of research, education, policy-relevant work, and on-the-ground action. The Terralingua vision is a just, equitable, sustainable world in which the biocultural diversity of life is valued, protected, and perpetuated for generations to come.
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
This organization specializes in sustainable management of land resources in New Zealand, working with Indigenous people on many issues.
Alaska Native Science Commission
The Alaska Native Science Commission was created to bring together research and science in partnership with Native communities in Alaska.
Alaska Native Knowledge Network
The Alaska Native Knowledge Network was created as a resource to explore, compile and exchange information related to Alaska Native Knowledge systems and ways of knowing. It publishes "Sharing Our Pathways", a newsletter of the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative. And it has published "Handbook for Culturally Responsive Science Curriculum" by Sidney Stephens. Integrative Science finds these to be excellent resources and frequently points to the visual concept map in Stephen's Handbook that shows the relationships between Traditional Native Knowledge and Western Science, including both common ground and differences.
Handbook for Culturally Responsive Science Curriculum - Sidney Stephens
This is the excellent resource from the Alaska Native Knowledge Network. Stephens has included a visual concept map that Integrative Science uses repeatedly and promotes broadly.
Sharing Our Pathways
This is the newsletter from the Alaska Native Knowledge Network that Integrative Science finds to be an excellent educational resource.
David Peat, Discussion Forum
Dr. David Peat is a “western scientist†(physicist) who, along with Leroy Little Bear (former Director, Harvard University Native American Program) organized a series of dialogue circles for Western Scientists and Native American Elders in the early 1990’s. His homepage features a discussion forum on Indigenous and Western Sciences.
This is a superb, short explanation of the power of metaphor as a cognitive tool in modern life.
NESCI - New England Complex Systems Institute
NESCI, the New England Complex Systems Institute, is an independent academic research and educational institution that has been instrumental in the development of complex systems science and its applications. Their research looks at how interactions within a system lead to its behavioral patterns, and how the system interacts with its environment … researchers study networks, agent-based modeling, multiscale analysis and complexity, chaos and predictability, evolution, ecology, biodiversity, altruism, systems biology, cellular response, health care, systems engineering, negotiation, military conflict, ethnic violence, and international development. Integrative Science has great admiration for the visuals that NESCI long ago developed for concepts in complex systems science; look for these visuals in NESCI's "on-line resources".